

CEO & Founder of Lingua-VR


about me

Hola! Actualmente soy Fundador y CEO de LinguaVR, una plataforma que da acceso a la inmersión al aprendizaje del Inglés con Inteligencia Artificial y Realidad Virtual. Soy apasionado por los idiomas y la tecnología.

Nací el 5 de marzo (el mes de los genios) en Colombia, donde crecí y me crié gran parte de mi vida hasta los 29 viviendo entre México, Panamá y Colombia. Actualmente vivo en España, trabajando tiempo completo en LinguaVR y ayudando a las personas a desarrollar sus habilidades.

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Foundation of

MyLearny Platform

28 years old (2022 - 2024)

An online educational platform with courses about Technology.



30 years old (2024 - currently)



30 years old (2024 - currently)

Founder and CEO


MyLearny Platform starts existing

28 years old (2022 - 2024)

Working at

MyLearny Platform

28 years old (2021 - 2024)

Software Developer Engineer.


Colombian Delegate at Ubuntu United Nations

27 years old (2021 - 2022)

Participated at

Ubuntu United Nations

27 years old (2021 - 2022)

Colombian delegate at Ubuntu United Nations First Edition.


Frontend Developer at izipiziCourse

26 years old (2020 - currently)

Creation of


26 years old (2020 - currently)

Started to work as a Frontend Dev at izipiziCourse.com.


Founded my first Company

24 years old (2018 - 2020)

My first


24 years old (2018 - 2020)

I founded a non-profit organisation called Bloqqe. It was created to teach Blockchain stuff and sell software development. In this same year I created a Design Agency to sell logo designs, photography editions. I also created a company which sold fruit-only juices with other 4 people.


Learning era...

21 years old (2015 - 2017)

Time of


21 years old (2015 - 2017)

I started to work in MultiLevel Marketing area with a company which products were body and skin creams. Some months later I began with other company that paid for playing games which turned out to be a pyramid scheme. Other months later I was a victim of several pyramid models that used bitcoin as a business model which promised high investment returns. It was a time with a lot of learning.


Entrepreneurship gets started

19 years old (2013 - 2015)

Starts my path of


19 years old (2013 - 2015)

I started to work in an Inspection Company. I also started university to study Electronic Engineering but 2 years later I quit and started my “entrepreneurship path”. I didn't find Latin America education system attractive.


Graduated as a Technologist

17 years old (2011 - 2013)

Graduated as a


17 years old (2011 - 2013)

I graduated from SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje) as a Technologist in Electronics and Industrial Instrumentation, with knowledge in PLC and Microcontrollers.


High School Graduation

15 years old (2009)

Graduation of

High School

15 years old (2009)

I graduated from High School as an IT Technician.


Sale of sweets

13 years old (2007)

I sold


13 years old (2007)

- I sold sweets to my high school mates. And I charged them for doing their homework.


Sale of "refrescos"

10 years old (2004)

I sold


10 years old (2004)

I sold “refrescos”. These were a type of “ice-cream”: you mixed water with any artificial flavour product, put it into small rectangular plastic bags and got into a fridge for it to get frozen. Later when they are frozen, they were ready to be sold to kids from my elementary school.


Feel free to contact and send me a message, by email or social media.

Email me@EmanuelCastillo.com

Website Lingua-VR.com

Location Madrid, España
